Error compiling template "/Designs/elsalg/subpage/Paragraph/WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml"
Line 190: The type or namespace name 'Custom' does not exist in the namespace 'Elsalg' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Line 191: The type or namespace name 'Custom' does not exist in the namespace 'Elsalg' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Line 197: The type or namespace name 'Custom' does not exist in the namespace 'Elsalg' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Line 199: The type or namespace name 'Custom' does not exist in the namespace 'Elsalg' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Line 621: 'Product.GetPrice(string, string)' is obsolete: 'Use GetPrice(PriceContext) instead.'

1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 // <auto-generated> 3 // This code was generated by a tool. 4 // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 5 // 6 // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 7 // the code is regenerated. 8 // </auto-generated> 9 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 11 namespace CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic { 12 using System; 13 using System.Collections.Generic; 14 using System.Linq; 15 16 #line 1 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 17 using System.Net; 18 19 #line default 20 #line hidden 21 22 #line 2 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 23 using System.Web; 24 25 #line default 26 #line hidden 27 28 #line 3 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 29 using eela.custom; 30 31 #line default 32 #line hidden 33 34 #line 4 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 35 using eela.custom.Providers; 36 37 #line default 38 #line hidden 39 40 #line 5 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 41 using Newtonsoft.Json; 42 43 #line default 44 #line hidden 45 46 #line 6 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 47 using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; 48 49 #line default 50 #line hidden 51 52 53 public class RazorEngine_b9400fbede0b400886a2c0da4db54c42 : Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> { 54 55 #line hidden 56 57 public RazorEngine_b9400fbede0b400886a2c0da4db54c42() { 58 } 59 60 public override void Execute() { 61 WriteLiteral("\r\n"); 62 63 64 #line 8 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 65 66 var parameterName = GetValue("Item.SectionName") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.SectionName").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.SectionName").ToString() : String.Empty; 67 var parameterValue = GetValue("Item.SectionValue") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.SectionValue").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.SectionValue").ToString() : String.Empty; 68 var raptorIntegrationType = GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType").ToString() : "GetOverallTopVisits"; 69 var productCount = GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products").ToString()) ? int.Parse(GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products").ToString()) : 10; 70 71 if (productCount < 1) 72 { 73 productCount = 10; 74 75 } 76 77 List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product> products = new List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product>(); 78 79 if (raptorIntegrationType == "GetTopSellingInCagegory") { raptorIntegrationType = "GetTopSellingInCategory"; } 80 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterValue)) 81 { 82 products = eela.custom.Raptor.GetRaptorItems(raptorIntegrationType, parameterName, parameterValue, productCount); 83 } 84 else 85 { 86 products = eela.custom.Raptor.GetRaptorItems(raptorIntegrationType, productCount); 87 } 88 89 if (products.Count < 1) { return; } 90 91 92 #line default 93 #line hidden 94 WriteLiteral(@" 95 96 97 <!---------- widget products -----------> 98 <script type=""text/javascript""> 99 function formatPrice(fPrice) { 100 document.write(fPrice.replace(/,00$/, ',-')); 101 } 102 $(function () { 103 $('.owl-small-products').owlCarousel({ 104 loop: false, 105 lazyLoad: true, 106 margin: 30, 107 nav: true, 108 dots: false, 109 items: 6, 110 slideBy: ""page"", 111 responsive: { 112 0: { 113 items: 2 114 }, 115 600: { 116 items: 3 117 }, 118 1000: { 119 items: 6 120 } 121 } 122 }); 123 }); 124 </script> 125 126 <div class=""widget-products""> 127 <div class=""container_4 clearfix""> 128 129 <div class=""grid_4""> 130 131 <span class=""h2"">"); 132 133 134 #line 70 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 135 Write(GetString("Item.Title")); 136 137 138 #line default 139 #line hidden 140 WriteLiteral("</span>\r\n\r\n <div id=\"raptor-recomendations-"); 141 142 143 #line 72 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 144 Write(raptorIntegrationType); 145 146 147 #line default 148 #line hidden 149 WriteLiteral("\" class=\"owl-small-products owl-carousel owl-theme\">\r\n <!--item-->" + 150 "\r\n"); 151 152 153 #line 74 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 154 155 156 #line default 157 #line hidden 158 159 #line 74 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 160 foreach (Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product product in products) 161 { 162 163 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.Name)) { continue; } 164 165 166 167 #line default 168 #line hidden 169 WriteLiteral(" <div"); 170 171 WriteLiteral(" class=\"item\""); 172 173 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <!-- pocetak slike widgeta -->\r\n " + 174 " <div"); 175 176 WriteLiteral(" class=\"image\""); 177 178 WriteLiteral(">\r\n"); 179 180 181 #line 82 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 182 183 184 #line default 185 #line hidden 186 187 #line 82 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 188 189 var altPictureId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSAlternatePictureID").Value.ToString()) ? "0000000000001" : product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSAlternatePictureID").Value.ToString(); 190 var electraImgUrl = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetElectraImgUrl(product.Number); 191 var electraImage = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.ElectraImgExists(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString(), product.Number); 192 193 string baseUrl = String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&ProductID={1}", "9", product.Id); 194 string Url = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(baseUrl).ToString(); 195 string buyURL = String.Format("{0}?cartcmd=add", Url); 196 197 var primaryGroup = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetPrimaryParentGroup(product.Id); 198 var elsEnergy = product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEnergy").Value.ToString(); 199 var energyImgPath = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetEnergyImagePath(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString(), elsEnergy, primaryGroup.Id.Replace("-at-SHOP1", "")); 200 201 202 203 #line default 204 #line hidden 205 WriteLiteral("\r\n\r\n"); 206 207 208 #line 97 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 209 210 211 #line default 212 #line hidden 213 214 #line 97 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 215 if (!electraImage) 216 { 217 218 219 #line default 220 #line hidden 221 WriteLiteral(" <a"); 222 223 WriteLiteral(" class=\"productDefaultImg\""); 224 225 WriteAttribute("href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 4695), Tuple.Create("\"", 4706) 226 227 #line 99 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 228 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 4702), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(Url 229 230 #line default 231 #line hidden 232 , 4702), false) 233 ); 234 235 WriteLiteral(" data-raptorrecommendation=\"productId:"); 236 237 238 #line 99 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 239 Write(product.Id); 240 241 242 #line default 243 #line hidden 244 WriteLiteral("\""); 245 246 WriteLiteral(">\r\n\r\n <img"); 247 248 WriteLiteral(" itemprop=\"image\""); 249 250 WriteLiteral(" class=\"imgtest owl-lazy\""); 251 252 WriteLiteral("\r\n onerror=\"$(\'.product-image-zoom\').addC" + 253 "lass(\'disabled\');src=\'" + 254 "Files/ELSALG/eCom/Pictures/0000000000001.png&amp;height=466&amp;width=466&amp;cr" + 255 "op=5\'\""); 256 257 WriteLiteral("\r\n data-src=\"" + 258 "magegen.ashx?altFmImage_path=/Files/ELSALG/eCom/Pictures/"); 259 260 261 #line 103 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 262 Write(altPictureId); 263 264 265 #line default 266 #line hidden 267 WriteLiteral(".png&amp;image=/files/ELSALG/eCom/Pictures/"); 268 269 270 #line 103 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 271 Write(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString()); 272 273 274 #line default 275 #line hidden 276 WriteLiteral(".png&amp;Width=466&amp;height=466&amp;crop=5\""); 277 278 WriteLiteral("\r\n alt=\"\""); 279 280 WriteLiteral(" />\r\n </a>\r\n"); 281 282 283 #line 106 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 284 } 285 else 286 { 287 288 289 290 #line default 291 #line hidden 292 WriteLiteral(" <a"); 293 294 WriteLiteral(" class=\"productDefaultImg\""); 295 296 WriteAttribute("href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 5659), Tuple.Create("\"", 5670) 297 298 #line 110 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 299 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 5666), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(Url 300 301 #line default 302 #line hidden 303 , 5666), false) 304 ); 305 306 WriteLiteral(" data-raptorrecommendation=\"productId:"); 307 308 309 #line 110 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 310 Write(product.Id); 311 312 313 #line default 314 #line hidden 315 WriteLiteral("\""); 316 317 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <img"); 318 319 WriteLiteral(" itemprop=\"image\""); 320 321 WriteLiteral(" class=\"imgtest\""); 322 323 WriteAttribute("onerror", Tuple.Create("\r\n onerror=\"", 5797), Tuple.Create("\"", 5915) 324 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 5849), Tuple.Create("$(\'.product-image-zoom\').addClass(\'disabled\');src=\'", 5849), true) 325 326 #line 112 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 327 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 5900), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(electraImgUrl 328 329 #line default 330 #line hidden 331 , 5900), false) 332 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 5914), Tuple.Create("\'", 5914), true) 333 ); 334 335 WriteAttribute("src", Tuple.Create("\r\n src=\"", 5916), Tuple.Create("\"", 5978) 336 337 #line 113 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 338 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 5964), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(electraImgUrl 339 340 #line default 341 #line hidden 342 , 5964), false) 343 ); 344 345 WriteLiteral("\r\n alt=\"\""); 346 347 WriteLiteral(" />\r\n </a>\r\n"); 348 349 350 #line 116 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 351 } 352 353 354 #line default 355 #line hidden 356 WriteLiteral("\r\n <div"); 357 358 WriteLiteral(" class=\"product\""); 359 360 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <ul"); 361 362 WriteLiteral(" class=\"notes\""); 363 364 WriteLiteral(">\r\n "); 365 366 WriteLiteral("\r\n"); 367 368 369 #line 121 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 370 371 372 #line default 373 #line hidden 374 375 #line 121 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 376 377 var productSymbolsValue = product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSProductSymbols").Value.ToString(); 378 379 bool hasDiscount = false; 380 381 if (Convert.ToDecimal(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()) != 0) 382 { 383 hasDiscount = true; 384 } 385 386 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productSymbolsValue.Trim())) 387 { 388 var productSymbols = JArray.Parse(productSymbolsValue) as JArray; 389 390 foreach (var productSymbol in productSymbols) 391 { 392 if (productSymbol["value"].ToString() == "4garanti.png") 393 { 394 395 396 #line default 397 #line hidden 398 WriteLiteral(" <li"); 399 400 WriteLiteral(" class=\"test-winner-fixed\""); 401 402 WriteLiteral(" data-symbol=\""); 403 404 405 #line 139 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 406 Write(productSymbol["value"].ToString()); 407 408 409 #line default 410 #line hidden 411 WriteLiteral("\""); 412 413 WriteLiteral("><img"); 414 415 WriteAttribute("src", Tuple.Create(" src=\"", 7571), Tuple.Create("\"", 7667) 416 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 7577), Tuple.Create("../files/images/symbols/", 7577), true) 417 418 #line 139 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 419 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 7601), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(productSymbol["value"].ToString().Replace(".png", "_large.png") 420 421 #line default 422 #line hidden 423 , 7601), false) 424 ); 425 426 WriteLiteral(" alt=\"Alternate Text\""); 427 428 WriteLiteral(" /></li>\r\n"); 429 430 431 #line 140 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 432 } 433 else 434 { 435 436 437 #line default 438 #line hidden 439 WriteLiteral(" <li"); 440 441 WriteLiteral(" class=\"test-winner\""); 442 443 WriteLiteral(" data-symbol=\""); 444 445 446 #line 143 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 447 Write(productSymbol["value"].ToString()); 448 449 450 #line default 451 #line hidden 452 WriteLiteral("\""); 453 454 WriteLiteral("><span"); 455 456 WriteLiteral(" class=\"ico\""); 457 458 WriteAttribute("style", Tuple.Create(" style=\"", 7997), Tuple.Create("\"", 8078) 459 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 8005), Tuple.Create("background-image:url(\'../files/images/symbols/", 8005), true) 460 461 #line 143 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 462 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 8051), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(productSymbol["value"] 463 464 #line default 465 #line hidden 466 , 8051), false) 467 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 8076), Tuple.Create("\')", 8076), true) 468 ); 469 470 WriteLiteral("></span><span"); 471 472 WriteLiteral(" class=\"txt\""); 473 474 WriteLiteral(">"); 475 476 477 #line 143 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 478 Write(productSymbol["description"]); 479 480 481 #line default 482 #line hidden 483 WriteLiteral("</span></li>\r\n"); 484 485 486 #line 144 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 487 } 488 } 489 } 490 491 492 #line default 493 #line hidden 494 WriteLiteral("\r\n "); 495 496 WriteLiteral("\r\n\r\n"); 497 498 499 #line 150 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 500 501 502 #line default 503 #line hidden 504 505 #line 150 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 506 if (hasDiscount) 507 { 508 509 510 #line default 511 #line hidden 512 WriteLiteral(" <li"); 513 514 WriteLiteral(" class=\"discount\""); 515 516 WriteLiteral(" data-symbol=\"discount\""); 517 518 WriteLiteral("><span"); 519 520 WriteLiteral(" class=\"ico\""); 521 522 WriteLiteral(" style=\"background-image: url(\'../files/images/symbols/discount.png\')\""); 523 524 WriteLiteral("></span><span"); 525 526 WriteLiteral(" class=\"txt\""); 527 528 WriteLiteral(">Tilbud</span></li>\r\n"); 529 530 531 #line 153 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 532 } 533 534 535 #line default 536 #line hidden 537 WriteLiteral(" </ul>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n " + 538 " <!-- <a class=\"product-image-zoom\">Se stort billede</a> " + 539 "-->\r\n </div>\r\n <div"); 540 541 WriteLiteral(" class=\"text\""); 542 543 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <div"); 544 545 WriteLiteral(" class=\"title\""); 546 547 WriteLiteral("><a"); 548 549 WriteAttribute("href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 9060), Tuple.Create("\"", 9071) 550 551 #line 160 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 552 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 9067), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(Url 553 554 #line default 555 #line hidden 556 , 9067), false) 557 ); 558 559 WriteLiteral(" data-raptorrecommendation=\"productId:"); 560 561 562 #line 160 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 563 Write(product.Id); 564 565 566 #line default 567 #line hidden 568 WriteLiteral("\""); 569 570 WriteLiteral(">"); 571 572 573 #line 160 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 574 Write(product.Name); 575 576 577 #line default 578 #line hidden 579 WriteLiteral("</a></div>\r\n <div"); 580 581 WriteLiteral(" class=\"subtitle\""); 582 583 WriteLiteral(">"); 584 585 586 #line 161 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 587 Write(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSProductSubHeader").Value.ToString()); 588 589 590 #line default 591 #line hidden 592 WriteLiteral("</div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div"); 593 594 WriteLiteral(" class=\"pricing\""); 595 596 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <div"); 597 598 WriteLiteral(" class=\"prod-spec-tab\""); 599 600 WriteLiteral("><a"); 601 602 WriteAttribute("href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 9430), Tuple.Create("\"", 9482) 603 604 #line 164 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 605 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 9437), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(string.Format("{0}?tab=specifications", Url) 606 607 #line default 608 #line hidden 609 , 9437), false) 610 ); 611 612 WriteLiteral(">Produktdatablad</a></div>\r\n <div>\r\n " + 613 " <div"); 614 615 WriteLiteral(" class=\"price\""); 616 617 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <script>formatPrice(\'"); 618 619 620 #line 167 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 621 Write(product.GetPrice("DKK","DK").PriceWithVAT.ToString("0,0.00")); 622 623 624 #line default 625 #line hidden 626 WriteLiteral("\')</script>\r\n </div>\r\n"); 627 628 629 #line 169 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 630 631 632 #line default 633 #line hidden 634 635 #line 169 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 636 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(energyImgPath)) 637 { 638 639 640 #line default 641 #line hidden 642 WriteLiteral(" <span"); 643 644 WriteLiteral(" class=\"energy-pg\""); 645 646 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <a"); 647 648 WriteAttribute("href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 9985), Tuple.Create("\"", 10037) 649 650 #line 172 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 651 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 9992), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(string.Format("{0}?tab=specifications", Url) 652 653 #line default 654 #line hidden 655 , 9992), false) 656 ); 657 658 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <img"); 659 660 WriteAttribute("src", Tuple.Create(" src=\"", 10089), Tuple.Create("\"", 10109) 661 662 #line 173 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 663 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10095), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(energyImgPath 664 665 #line default 666 #line hidden 667 , 10095), false) 668 ); 669 670 WriteLiteral(" alt=\"\""); 671 672 WriteLiteral(" />\r\n </a>\r\n " + 673 " </span>\r\n"); 674 675 676 #line 176 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 677 } 678 679 680 #line default 681 #line hidden 682 WriteLiteral(" </div>\r\n <span"); 683 684 WriteLiteral(" class=\"discount\""); 685 686 WriteLiteral(">\r\n"); 687 688 WriteLiteral(" "); 689 690 691 #line 179 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 692 Write(Convert.ToDecimal(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()) != 0 ? "Spar " + Convert.ToDouble(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()).ToString("0,0.00").Replace(",00", ",-") : ""); 693 694 695 #line default 696 #line hidden 697 WriteLiteral("\r\n </span>\r\n <div"); 698 699 WriteLiteral(" class=\"buy\""); 700 701 WriteLiteral(" style=\"display:none;\""); 702 703 WriteLiteral(">\r\n <div"); 704 705 WriteAttribute("onclick", Tuple.Create(" onclick=\"", 10780), Tuple.Create("\"", 10945) 706 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10790), Tuple.Create("AddToCartWithSupplemental(\'", 10790), true) 707 708 #line 182 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 709 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10817), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(buyURL 710 711 #line default 712 #line hidden 713 , 10817), false) 714 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10824), Tuple.Create("\',", 10824), true) 715 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create(" ", 10826), Tuple.Create("\'", 10827), true) 716 717 #line 182 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 718 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10828), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(product.Number 719 720 #line default 721 #line hidden 722 , 10828), false) 723 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10843), Tuple.Create("\',", 10843), true) 724 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create(" ", 10845), Tuple.Create("\'", 10846), true) 725 726 #line 182 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 727 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10847), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(product.Id 728 729 #line default 730 #line hidden 731 , 10847), false) 732 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10858), Tuple.Create("\',", 10858), true) 733 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create(" ", 10860), Tuple.Create("\'", 10861), true) 734 735 #line 182 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 736 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10862), Tuple.Create<System.Object, System.Int32>(HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(product.Name.Replace("''", "")) 737 738 #line default 739 #line hidden 740 , 10862), false) 741 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create("", 10929), Tuple.Create("\');return", 10929), true) 742 , Tuple.Create(Tuple.Create(" ", 10938), Tuple.Create("false;", 10939), true) 743 ); 744 745 WriteLiteral(" class=\"button skipSwipable\""); 746 747 WriteLiteral(">\r\n Køb\r\n </div" + 748 ">\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n " + 749 " </div>\r\n"); 750 751 752 #line 188 "D:\websites\\application(9.12.1)\Files\Templates\Designs\elsalg\subpage\Paragraph\WidgetRaptorProductsSmall.cshtml" 753 } 754 755 756 #line default 757 #line hidden 758 WriteLiteral(" </div>\r\n\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n"); 759 760 } 761 } 762 } 763

1 @using System.Net; 2 @using System.Web; 3 @using eela.custom; 4 @using eela.custom.Providers; 5 @using Newtonsoft.Json; 6 @using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; 7 8 @{ 9 var parameterName = GetValue("Item.SectionName") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.SectionName").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.SectionName").ToString() : String.Empty; 10 var parameterValue = GetValue("Item.SectionValue") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.SectionValue").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.SectionValue").ToString() : String.Empty; 11 var raptorIntegrationType = GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType").ToString()) ? GetValue("Item.RaptorIntegrationType").ToString() : "GetOverallTopVisits"; 12 var productCount = GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products") != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products").ToString()) ? int.Parse(GetValue("Item.NoOf_Products").ToString()) : 10; 13 14 if (productCount < 1) 15 { 16 productCount = 10; 17 18 } 19 20 List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product> products = new List<Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product>(); 21 22 if (raptorIntegrationType == "GetTopSellingInCagegory") { raptorIntegrationType = "GetTopSellingInCategory"; } 23 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterValue)) 24 { 25 products = eela.custom.Raptor.GetRaptorItems(raptorIntegrationType, parameterName, parameterValue, productCount); 26 } 27 else 28 { 29 products = eela.custom.Raptor.GetRaptorItems(raptorIntegrationType, productCount); 30 } 31 32 if (products.Count < 1) { return; } 33 } 34 35 36 <!---------- widget products -----------> 37 <script type="text/javascript"> 38 function formatPrice(fPrice) { 39 document.write(fPrice.replace(/,00$/, ',-')); 40 } 41 $(function () { 42 $('.owl-small-products').owlCarousel({ 43 loop: false, 44 lazyLoad: true, 45 margin: 30, 46 nav: true, 47 dots: false, 48 items: 6, 49 slideBy: "page", 50 responsive: { 51 0: { 52 items: 2 53 }, 54 600: { 55 items: 3 56 }, 57 1000: { 58 items: 6 59 } 60 } 61 }); 62 }); 63 </script> 64 65 <div class="widget-products"> 66 <div class="container_4 clearfix"> 67 68 <div class="grid_4"> 69 70 <span class="h2">@GetString("Item.Title")</span> 71 72 <div id="raptor-recomendations-@raptorIntegrationType" class="owl-small-products owl-carousel owl-theme"> 73 <!--item--> 74 @foreach (Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products.Product product in products) 75 { 76 77 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.Name)) { continue; } 78 79 <div class="item"> 80 <!-- pocetak slike widgeta --> 81 <div class="image"> 82 @{ 83 var altPictureId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSAlternatePictureID").Value.ToString()) ? "0000000000001" : product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSAlternatePictureID").Value.ToString(); 84 var electraImgUrl = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetElectraImgUrl(product.Number); 85 var electraImage = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.ElectraImgExists(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString(), product.Number); 86 87 string baseUrl = String.Format("Default.aspx?ID={0}&ProductID={1}", "9", product.Id); 88 string Url = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(baseUrl).ToString(); 89 string buyURL = String.Format("{0}?cartcmd=add", Url); 90 91 var primaryGroup = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetPrimaryParentGroup(product.Id); 92 var elsEnergy = product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEnergy").Value.ToString(); 93 var energyImgPath = Elsalg.Custom.Providers.ProductProvider.GetEnergyImagePath(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString(), elsEnergy, primaryGroup.Id.Replace("-at-SHOP1", "")); 94 95 } 96 97 @if (!electraImage) 98 { 99 <a class="productDefaultImg" href="@Url" data-raptorrecommendation="productId:@product.Id"> 100 101 <img itemprop="image" class="imgtest owl-lazy" 102 onerror="$('.product-image-zoom').addClass('disabled');src=';height=466&amp;width=466&amp;crop=5'" 103 data-src=";image=/files/ELSALG/eCom/Pictures/@(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSEan").Value.ToString()).png&amp;Width=466&amp;height=466&amp;crop=5" 104 alt="" /> 105 </a> 106 } 107 else 108 { 109 110 <a class="productDefaultImg" href="@Url" data-raptorrecommendation="productId:@product.Id"> 111 <img itemprop="image" class="imgtest" 112 onerror="$('.product-image-zoom').addClass('disabled');src='@electraImgUrl'" 113 src="@electraImgUrl" 114 alt="" /> 115 </a> 116 } 117 118 <div class="product"> 119 <ul class="notes"> 120 @*----- Render all the images related to the product notes. ----- *@ 121 @{ 122 var productSymbolsValue = product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSProductSymbols").Value.ToString(); 123 124 bool hasDiscount = false; 125 126 if (Convert.ToDecimal(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()) != 0) 127 { 128 hasDiscount = true; 129 } 130 131 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productSymbolsValue.Trim())) 132 { 133 var productSymbols = JArray.Parse(productSymbolsValue) as JArray; 134 135 foreach (var productSymbol in productSymbols) 136 { 137 if (productSymbol["value"].ToString() == "4garanti.png") 138 { 139 <li class="test-winner-fixed" data-symbol="@productSymbol["value"].ToString()"><img src="../files/images/symbols/@(productSymbol["value"].ToString().Replace(".png", "_large.png"))" alt="Alternate Text" /></li> 140 } 141 else 142 { 143 <li class="test-winner" data-symbol="@productSymbol["value"].ToString()"><span class="ico" style="background-image:url('../files/images/symbols/@(productSymbol["value"])')"></span><span class="txt">@productSymbol["description"]</span></li> 144 } 145 } 146 } 147 } 148 @*----- Now add item related to the dicount -----*@ 149 150 @if (hasDiscount) 151 { 152 <li class="discount" data-symbol="discount"><span class="ico" style="background-image: url('../files/images/symbols/discount.png')"></span><span class="txt">Tilbud</span></li> 153 } 154 </ul> 155 </div> 156 157 <!-- <a class="product-image-zoom">Se stort billede</a> --> 158 </div> 159 <div class="text"> 160 <div class="title"><a href="@Url" data-raptorrecommendation="productId:@product.Id">@product.Name</a></div> 161 <div class="subtitle">@product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSProductSubHeader").Value.ToString()</div> 162 </div> 163 <div class="pricing"> 164 <div class="prod-spec-tab"><a href="@string.Format("{0}?tab=specifications", Url)">Produktdatablad</a></div> 165 <div> 166 <div class="price"> 167 <script>formatPrice('@product.GetPrice("DKK","DK").PriceWithVAT.ToString("0,0.00")')</script> 168 </div> 169 @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(energyImgPath)) 170 { 171 <span class="energy-pg"> 172 <a href="@string.Format("{0}?tab=specifications", Url)"> 173 <img src="@energyImgPath" alt="" /> 174 </a> 175 </span> 176 } 177 </div> 178 <span class="discount"> 179 @(Convert.ToDecimal(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()) != 0 ? "Spar " + Convert.ToDouble(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue("ELSUnitSavings").Value.ToString()).ToString("0,0.00").Replace(",00", ",-") : "") 180 </span> 181 <div class="buy" style="display:none;"> 182 <div onclick="AddToCartWithSupplemental('@buyURL', '@product.Number', '@product.Id', '@HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(product.Name.Replace("''", ""))');return false;" class="button skipSwipable"> 183 Køb 184 </div> 185 </div> 186 </div> 187 </div> 188 } 189 </div> 190 191 </div> 192 </div> 193 </div> 194


Se alle produkter fra AEG her

Det hele startede med elektriske pærer

Historien om AEG går helt tilbage til år 1887, hvor virksomheden begyndte sin produktion af elektriske pærer. Det var således en stolt virksomhed, der i 2012 kunne fejre sig 125 års jubilæum. Siden de elektriske pærer har AEG produceret og leveret en lang række prisbelønnede produkter, da har haft stor betydning for omverdenens måde at leve på.
Den tyske entreprenør, Emil Rathenau, grundlagde i 1897 AEG i Berlin, som hurtigt blev kendt for både design, innovation og teknologi. I 1907 sluttede den dygtige arkitekt, Peter Behren, sig til virksomheden. Han byggede få år senere AEG’s turbinefabrik, som er én af de mest betydningsfulde bygninger i Tyskland. Behren arbejdede efter mottoet: ”Perfekt in form und funktion”, som har været tankegangen lige siden, og han blev i den forbindelse kendt som grundlæggeren af virksomhedsidentiteten. AEG har en designfilosofi, som skal sikre, at hvert eneste produkt er en fornøjelse at anvende samtidig med, at det præsterer optimalt og sikrer et perfekt resultat hver gang. Det handler således om at skabe husholdningsapparater, der kombinerer en fremragende ydelser med et fortræffeligt tysk design.

AEG var på forkant med sine ÖKO-apparater

Foruden at være forgænger på det grønne område, kunne AEG i 1913 præsentere deres første produkt, som blev fremstillet på samlebånd. Produktet var støvsugeren, som skabte en hurtig vækst i omsætningen. ÖKO-apparaterne blev i 1980’erne designet til at spare strøm samtidig med, at de gav de samme, perfekte resultater som tidligere. Apparaterne fik en mindeværdig promovering i naturlige omgivelser, hvorved virksomheden sætter nye standarder for energieffektivitet.
Innovation er således kernen i alt, hvad AEG foretager sig. Det er innovation, der skaber drivkraften og udviklingen bag de kendte opfindelser til hjemmet så som det første indbyggede køleskab og brugen af varmepumpeteknologi i tørretumblere. Virksomheden har således en stor interesse i banebrydende og bæredygtige produkter.
Dagen i dag modtager AEG stadig priser for deres innovative ideer og design. Den seneste pris blev erhvervet i 2012 for produkterne i virksomhedens ”Neue Kollektion”. Kollektionen er designet til at kunne integreres problemfrit i ethvert køkken og vandt hele ni designpriser i 2011. Herudover er kollektionen karakteriseret ved et stilrent design kombineret med den nyeste teknologi og enestående kvalitetsmaterialer. AEG har fokus på, at de forskellige produkter skaber den størst mulige glæde hos dig, og forbrugeren er altid i centrum!

Kvalitet er altafgørende

Hos AEG stræbes der altid efter perfektion uanset hvilke produkter, der er tale om. I forbindelse med udviklingen af deres AEG ProCombi dampovne og MaxiSense induktionskogeplader tog de således kulinariske eksperter med på råd for at skabe en så unik oplevelse og et så optimalt produkt som overhovedet muligt. For virksomheden handler det om hele tiden at overraske og inspirere med fremtidens produkter.
Kendetegnede for AEG er det store fokus på kvalitet, der er centrum i alt. Der er mellem 150-300 ingeniører og teknikere, der er i et tæt samarbejde med designere om at udforme og fremstille de ikoniske produkter samtidig med, at den tyske teknik fortsætter. Æstetisk, teknik og funktionalitet er tæt forbundet, og der bliver ikke gået på kompromis med nogle af delene. Kort sagt er blikket rettet mod en enkel og brugervenlig betjening, bæredygtige materialer og energieffektivitet.